2018-07-26 12:08:18
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The task of contemporary philosophers: Urging the US Government to carry out the world denuclearization campaign to the end

It is absurd to spend much time on logic while our souls are at stake.The object of philosophical thinking should be to cure the soul. L. A. Seneca

Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?《Russell-Einstein Manifesto》

We may look at the Gladiator's life and death duel with indifference.And when they fight with weapons that will surely destroy the world, we can no longer be indifferent to them or run away,or support our own fighters to kill the others. For survival of all, we should stand in front of the strongest and  reasonable one among them, persuade him to destroy his weapons, then let him ask the others to destroy theirs. This is the best policy. Solatle Lu

Heraclitus said,"War is father of all and king of all; and some he manifested as gods, some as men; some he made slaves, some free."War has a positive effect in human evolutionary history,We can't just say no to wars. He added, To pray for an end to war is to hope for an end to the world.

However, we should also see that future wars are completely different from all previous wars,it's extinct. It no longer makes heroes of war and gives freedom for anybody, it will only make people become slaves and victims of natural forces and evil forces, and speed up the Doomsday. Prevention of war has become a top urgent task for human survival and development.

Nuclear bomb:Useless weapon

Today's situation is not optimistic.All nuclear powers are committed to enriching their nuclear arsenals,Nuclear weapons plants operate day and night,nuclear experts are racking their brains for an upgrade plan,nuclear bombs in some countries are in a state of launch,non-nuclear countries are trying hard to squeeze into the nuclear club,or seeking nuclear umbrella,  international terrorist organizations are also waiting for their opportunities.

The future nuclear war must be a new world war. But one thing is certain: a new world war can't happen, because its foundation has already been cleared up completely, even small and medium-sized wars are going to be difficult today.The proliferation of democratic institutions and democratic consciousness, the integration of the industrial and commercial world, the rapid growth of the world population and the wide flow of people, have made the war occupied an unprofitable fool.More importantly,The destruction of nuclear weapons is huge and there will be endless troubles followed,no one can benefit from a nuclear war. In addition, any country that dares to launch a nuclear war must be prepared to bear double punishment. In the end, it is likely to be Mutually Assured Destruction .

This awful and sad prospect is generally foreseen,people fear of nuclear war,therefore, it's impossible, nuclear weapons are unnecessary,no use at all.The current situation is just the result of mutual distrust, mutual suspicion and mutual precautions.

The idea of "nuclear war without winners", nuclear proliferation can prevent World War Ⅲ, is not reliable, yet it hides a real danger. Two films, "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" and "Fail Safe", tell us that nuclear war is very likely to occur in contingencies. Considering that survival or death depends in a flash, the fast may lives, the slow surely dies, any contingency will immediately develop into an unexpected world war----triggered the hypersensitive military chain reaction. The safety of billions of people in the world cannot be placed on such a fragile and increasingly fragile basis.

Nuclear bombs are either idle forever, or used for the last chance---- holistic suicide.

Our immediate task is to reveal the truth and let the world understand that, even in a world of chaos and fighting, nuclear weapons are not necessary, and we should hate them and discard them rather than now love them and pursue them, and a nuclear free world is possible.

A nuclear free world is not necessarily a peaceful and harmonious world. Fighting and killing will continue. But it is a safer and more hopeful world for most people, and more beneficial to friendly exchanges and economic construction. For this reasons, it's worth our efforts.

A simple and efficient road

Today, the trend of nuclear proliferation seems unstoppable, harder to reverse and to eliminate. The prospect is dim, the longer we wait the worse the problem become.

Philosopher's answer to this thorny problem may be exceptionally simple and thorough. That is to urge the United States to unilaterally destroy all their own nuclear facilities and nuclear weapons. After that or at the same time,  the US government submits a comprehensive nuclear weapons proposal to the United Nations to declare nuclear weapons illegal.

Inventing nuclear weapons and annihilate them once and for all, that might be what the United States would do at the same day of the end of World War II, and could be done easily. At that time, the Soviet Union and other countries had urged the United States to do so, today's nuclear crisis will not exist.

Historically, the United States was not a belligerent country, on the contrary, had a reputation for evasion of war and of isolationism. It was forced to become the first country in the world to successfully develop a nuclear bomb and implement its application, witnessed its great destructive power and the nature of anti human beings.The best thing is to comply with the public opinions and immediately eliminate the malignant new thing in the cradle after the war, analogous to removing the cancer that has just been revealed in human body.

The United States has not done so, Instead, try hard to produce and upgrade nuclear weapons from then on. Therefore, It has to take responsibility for the subsequent nuclear proliferation and nuclear crisis in the world, and there are no excuses for this responsibility. Now it is difficult to make up for this aim, but not impossible, if decide to do it. It is clear that, the United States unilaterally destroys nuclear weapons to facilitate the realization of a nuclear free world is a duty of itself rather than a voluntary  behavior.

The world was highly appraised of Obama, the forty-fourth president of the United States, for his great efforts in this regard. In April of 2009,at the beginning of his inauguration, he promised to reduce nuclear weapons during his term of office so as to achieve a nuclear free world. Prior to his visit to Japan in May 2016, he reiterated the establishment of a world without nuclear weapons.As the president of the most enriching nuclear arsenal, his approach is unprecedented and shows that the United States is a responsible big country.

His initiative has made the world look at the United States differently, improving the shape of the United States in the eyes of the world. For that, he won the Nobel peace prize next year.

People with basic knowledge of physics  understand that nuclear bombs are a great curse to the world,even if it just to be made and stored,not to use.When using, it is blind, barbarous and extinct, soldiers and civilians, the good and the bad, friends and enemies, treasure and waste, nothing can survive, human civilization will be destroyed in one day.

The nuclear bomb is the  nastiest and most  horrible evil murder weapon in human history, has become public enemy of human beings. It should be condemned by the highest conscience of mankind, can not be allowed to exist in the world. Only after it is completely removed from the earth, can the world have basic justice. Why not nuclear weapons can be banned since chemical weapons has been banned, as well as biological weapons ? In practice, it is easier to ban than the first two weapons.

From this point of view, we will immediately find that Obama's approach is a good beginning but useless at the end.The nuclear powers negotiated and signed an agreement to reduce nuclear stockpiles, which began half a century ago when Nixon was in power. It has proved to be obsolete, unproductive, and failed to prevent nuclear proliferation and its escalation.Even if it lasted for another 100 years, there would be no real effects. When Obama visited Japan, the Washington Post pointed out: "eliminate nuclear weapons, do it from home",that's the unique way!!!

Two years after World War II, in an open conversation entitled Atomic War or Peace,Albert Einstein had criticized the way:Now that the war is over,there is no provocation at all and, therefore,no reasons to use the atomic bomb as a means of retaliation or vengeance, the United States has not declared that the atomic bomb is illegal yet, only to show that It has taken the atomic bomb as a political capital,this is not supposed to be done. At the same time, he pointed out that the favorable condition for the United States to do so is that there is little need to worry about the direct attack on its homeland.

I can assert that as long as the United States takes a real step in this aim,other countries will follow up. Also, no country dared to vote against the proposal for the prohibition of nuclear weapons submitted by the US Government to the United Nations, the nuclear free world can be achieved immediately.The United States is like the pillar of the world nuclear club building. Once withdrawn, the building will collapse at once, nothing left.

Of course, the task of nuclear free world is not just the US domestic affairs, nor just the campaign slogan of the president of the United States. It relates to world peace, is a major event in the world, can not be interrupted。 We need to persist the task in the end, do not stop until its complete realization.

We are encouraged by the tenacious fighting spirit of American people. There are more than 80 anti nuclear groups in the United States,they are the backbone of the movement. So long as they recognize the unique way of the campaign, the goal of the world denuclearization will soon be achieved.

The task of contemporary philosophers

In order to eliminate the nuclear crisis, some people need to stand up for propaganda and persuasion.From our experience, this task cannot be expected of politicians,because they are considering realistic and current national interests, almost impossible to get rid of national prejudice and national disagreements from their minds. This is also the reason why nuclear negotiations are useless.

Nor can this task be done by scientists or entrepreneurs.They often focus on material things and tangible benefits, pursuing the highest interests. They are also accustomed to  special research and thematic research, has become shortsighted and narrow-minded. In fact, the current situation is made by them and politicians.

The ideal candidates to accomplish this task are philosophers. Philosophy is not a profession, and there is no inherent natural connection between philosophers and interest groups.They also possess the characteristics of wisdom, justice and excellence in distinguishing beauty from ugliness, distinguishing good from evil, and distinguishing truth from false.They are the best candidates for the Judges of the World Rational Court.

There is a consensus that philosophy and science are Greek inventions. Since then, the idea of philosophy and philosopher's uselessness also became popular. Philosophers were therefore neglected by society, often excluded and suppressed. In response to this situation and avoid harming themselves, Socrates called on "fighters" to stay away from politics, and their influence on political and social life was declining from then on.Today, they belittle themselves to a group of office workers who are attached to some Departments and working in the modern high-grade office buildings.

Now, when the world is facing crisis, and there is no safe corner anywhere, when people from all walks of life are helpless, philosophers should come forward, dedicate their wisdom and talent unreservedly, alliances with the power of justice, to eliminate the crisis, for a safer and healthy environment.

This is also a chance to change people's idea of philosophy uselessness----philosophical wisdom will glow the radiance in distress, wise thoughts will be more persuasive in time of danger.

Scientists have a peace organization called "Pugwash Conferenceson on Science and World Affairs", philosophers should set up such an organization or unite with them.

This is not the end. the original meaning of philosophy is idealism, and philosophers are idealists.They won't be satisfied with the most intelligent way to eliminate the obstacles and crises on the way forward, their ultimate goal is to clean up the soil of the crisis and evil  thoroughly, push the world into an ideal state and achieve world harmony.


Solatle Lu,a retired professor of Southwest Forestry Uiversity。


This is a copy of a paper which I have submitted for the 24th World Congress of Philosophy,held in Beijing in August of 2018. The paper is limited to 3000 words, and the copy is not subject to this restriction.The main points of the two are the same. My intention is to get the support of the participating philosophers and work together to do a real thing for world peace.

Philosophy is love of wisdom, all ignorance and evil conducts are its natural enemies. This characteristic of philosophy requires philosophers to act as the ultimate guardians of human justice.

Nuclear threat and nuclear proliferation are the most evil and horrifying phenomena in the world after World War II. Deal with the situation, I'm not just impulsive today to write this paper. When Obama put forward a nuclear free world slogan nearly 10 years ago, I had posted three support posts. They are,

1, For a nuclear free world, help Obama become holy.

2, A large number of scientific elites have been doing an inefficient labour for a long time: developing nuclear bombs.

3, Why not nuclear weapons can be banned since chemical weapons has been banned as well as biological weapons ?

They are still online, and I have mentioned them many times in my later works. That all lead to a special goal.: I want to take advantage of Obama's proposal, and let the subsequent government of the United States takes it as its basic national policy, continue the policy, until it is realized.

Just as I thought, the present US government has stopped talking about this goal, shows no intention of continuing the campaign. worse yet,President Donald Trump occasionally hinted that the nuclear button on his desk was not an ornament, it could be activated at any time. It is the right time for me to post this paper.

If this paper can be adopted by the Conference and supported by the philosophers as I expected, I am sure the world will be denuclearization within 10 years. But things were not going smoothly, this paper was rejected half a year later in  the following words: This article is more like the debate in newspapers and magazines, not in the category of philosophical papers.

Even so, I won't give up. Recently, I posted another article on the Internet entitled: High up Obama's flag, carry out the world denuclearization campaign to the end.

This is my future program of action and my determination.It is also my expectation and request for everyone. I am full of confidence in the future of the world,believe that mankind will eventually take the initiative to eliminate nuclear weapons instead of  passively waiting for nuclear weapons to destroy themselves.


当我们的灵魂危在旦夕的时候,把大量时间花在逻辑上,未免荒唐;哲学思考的对象应当是治愈灵魂。 塞尼卡

我们要置人类于末日,还是人类该弃绝战争? 《罗素-爱因斯坦宣言》

我们或许会用冷漠的目光观看角斗士的生死决斗。而当角斗士手拿灭世武器决斗时,我们就不能继续漠视他们或躲开去,或支持己方斗士去杀死其余的斗士。为所有人的生存,我们要站到他们当中最强大又最为通情达理者前,劝说他带头毁掉自己手中的武器,然后让他要求其他角斗士毁掉各自手中的武器。这是最优的策略。 陆苏拉德














































这篇论文如果能够被大会采纳,能得到哲学家的支持,世界无核化的前景就有望在10年之内实现。事情却没有这么顺利,论文提交半年之后被断然否决了,其理由就一句话:“ 文章更类似于报刊争论,并不属于哲学论文范畴”。

尽管希望落空,我却不轻言放弃。我最近在网络上发表的一篇文章的题目是: 高举奥巴马的大旗,将世界无核化运动进行到底!

